The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
Woolies brought in budget-range goods for hoi polloi,
Mostly priced at sixpence, adulterated products custom-made
For the cash-strapped; carbolic soaps for the lumpenproletariat,
Block ornaments, plebiscite bric-a-brac of many departments,
And cheap perfume aplenty –like old DEVON VIOLET,
Tantalisingly dispensed in tempting hand-painted
Miniature pottery bottles, osmagogue genies in opaque vessels,
Kitsch keepsakes, so popular in their day’s rationed tonic key:
The Great Depression of the Neurasthenic Thirties,
The “Morbid Age” –adumbrater of our current Debt Decade’s Exhaustedly marketed Austerity… And So It Was Written:
After the Crash, it would be the first symbolic retail casualty,
Though its classless sovereignty had already been bought up
In the spendthrift Eighties by Paternoster Stores Ltd.
Suzerainty; gutted at the fag-end of the glossy nothings
Of the Noughties by bottom-feeding asset-strippers, after
Marauding speculators collapsed domestic economies
(Classical etymologists will appreciate the tautology:
Oikonomia: Ancient Greek for management of the house,
Or oikos) summoning in mass shop clearances from former
Homes of compulsive corporate hoarders, while bouts of riots,
Although unsponsored, contributed to this retail looting;
Though Woolworths was immune to most of those rampaging
Consumer mobs whose tastes were more aspirational…
Woolies was stripped bare by less dramatic administrators,
Then promptly occupied by flash-in-the-pan pick-and-mix stores,
Poundstretcher purgatories, homogenous souvenir shops
Sporting cheap patriotic Jack-draped paraphernalia;
And other pop-up opportunists… So long! –to cut-price
Purchases with a hint of craft and panache pitched just
Below Retail Price Indexes, but without compromising quality
Of craftsmanship, care of manufacture, or epicurean delicacies –
No more LadyBird kids’ clothes: Chad Valley toys now thrown
Away to “Chav” alleys, pile-ups of prams, baseball and benefit
Caps of a designer Jungian underclass, shadow-projected
Scapegoats, feral urban pests, along with ubiquitous labels –
ASBO, NEET, WRAG and other acronymous nomenclature –
Outcasts, sofa-surfers, outlawed squatters, curb-hawkers
Who tout bowdlerised Big Issues to its new Cosmopolitan,
Self-Helping motto: A hand up, not a hand out …O

Button up your overcoat
When the wind is free
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Fasten up your hungry mouth
When food banks are empty
Save your vouchers for
Now in the ruins of commercial high street trade and the gap-
Toothed retail hinterlands, pop-up shops are ten-a-penny, crop
Up all over the place in pockets of barren stucco rockeries –
Greenshoots of “zero hours” recovery on “the never never”,
“Help-to-Buy-To-Let” mortgage bubbles ballooning again
Like Jubilee buntings, and blisters of betting shops –Not
Quite what old Maynard Keynes meant by artifical stimulus…
Where can the eyes look for retail continuity, but to those
Hardier perennials of the most embedded and historied
Department stores established in prelapsarian eras
Of “responsible capitalism”: Marks & Sparks and O so
Dependable Debenhams amid all the exchange shops’
Exorbitant bedlams –Primark expresses “shock” at the collapse
Of a sweatshop in Jafarabad that patches up their profits
To the rattling tattoos of archaic sewing machines; Peacocks
Hawks cut-price t-shirts labelled ‘Bangladesh’, products
Incubated in unsubsidised humidities of subsiding buildings,
Listing far past parameters of yesterday’s Health & Safety…